1, Raymond Road, London, SW19 4AD

Detached House

Great reasons to live in SW19

  1. Proximity to Wimbledon: SW19 is located close to the iconic tennis courts of Wimbledon, where the annual Wimbledon Championships are held. This means residents can enjoy the excitement of the tournament every summer.
  2. Great transport links: SW19 is well-connected to the rest of London, with the Wimbledon underground station providing access to the District Line and the National Rail. There are also numerous bus routes connecting SW19 to other areas of London.
  3. Green spaces: SW19 is home to several parks and green spaces, including Wimbledon Common, which covers 1,140 acres and is perfect for outdoor activities such as walking, cycling, and picnics.
  4. Excellent schools: SW19 has a number of highly-regarded primary and secondary schools, both state and independent. This makes it an attractive location for families with children.
  5. Cultural attractions: SW19 is home to several cultural attractions, including the New Wimbledon Theatre, which hosts a range of plays, musicals, and comedy shows.
  6. Shopping and dining: SW19 has a range of shops and restaurants, including the Centre Court shopping centre, which has over 60 stores, and a range of independent cafes and restaurants.
  7. Diverse community: SW19 is home to a diverse community, with a mix of different cultures and nationalities living in the area.
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