138, Leverson Street, London, SW16 6DE

Terraced House

Great reasons to live in SW16

  1. Excellent transportation links: SW16 is well-connected to other parts of London via various transportation options, including several bus routes and train stations like Streatham, Streatham Common and Norbury.
  2. Great parks and green spaces: There are several parks and green spaces in SW16, including Streatham Common, Norbury Park, and Mitcham Common. These provide great places to relax, exercise, and enjoy nature.
  3. Cultural diversity: SW16 is a diverse area with a mix of different cultures and communities. This makes it a great place to experience different cuisines and customs.
  4. Vibrant local community: SW16 has a strong sense of community, with many local events, markets, and festivals throughout the year.
  5. Affordable housing: Compared to some other areas in London, SW16 is relatively affordable, which makes it a great option for people looking for more affordable housing options in the city.
  6. Good schools: There are several good schools in the SW16 area, both primary and secondary, making it an attractive option for families.
  7. Easy access to amenities: SW16 has plenty of amenities including shops, supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, and entertainment venues, providing residents with everything they need within easy reach.
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