154, Hydethorpe Road, London, SW12 0JD

Terraced House

Great reasons to live in SW12

  1. Transport links: SW12 has excellent transport links with easy access to central London. There are two tube stations, Balham and Clapham South, both on the Northern Line, which can take you to the heart of the city in around 20-25 minutes.
  2. Green spaces: There are plenty of green spaces in SW12, including Clapham Common, Tooting Bec Common, and Wandsworth Common. These parks are great for walking, jogging, picnics, and various outdoor activities.
  3. Vibrant atmosphere: SW12 has a great atmosphere with plenty of bars, restaurants, and cafes. Balham High Road and Abbeville Road are popular destinations for locals, with a wide range of shops and eateries to choose from.
  4. Community spirit: SW12 is known for its strong sense of community. There are plenty of local events and festivals that bring people together, such as the Balham Literary Festival and the Balham Food Festival.
  5. Cultural attractions: SW12 is home to a range of cultural attractions, including the Bedford pub, which hosts live music and comedy events, and the Exhibit Balham, which features a cinema, bar, and restaurant.
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