167, Landells Road, London, SE22 9PL

Terraced House

Great reasons to live in SE22

  1. Excellent location: SE22 is located in South London, making it easy to get around and explore the city. It's also well-connected to public transportation, with several tube and bus stations in the area.
  2. Beautiful green spaces: SE22 is home to several beautiful parks, including Dulwich Park and Peckham Rye Park, which offer plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation and relaxation.
  3. Great shopping and dining: SE22 has plenty of great shopping and dining options, including the popular Lordship Lane, which features a wide range of independent shops, cafes, and restaurants.
  4. Excellent schools: SE22 is home to several excellent schools, including the prestigious Dulwich College and the popular Goodrich Primary School.
  5. Cultural events: SE22 is home to several cultural events throughout the year, including the Dulwich Festival, which features art exhibitions, music performances, and literary events.
  6. Family-friendly community: SE22 is a family-friendly neighborhood, with plenty of schools, parks, and community activities for children and parents alike.
  7. Historical landmarks: SE22 is home to several historical landmarks, including the iconic Dulwich Picture Gallery and the Horniman Museum and Gardens, which offer a glimpse into London's rich history.
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