29, Celandine Drive, London, SE28 8EP


Great reasons to live in SE28

  1. Affordable housing: Compared to some of the more central and trendy parts of London, SE28 offers relatively affordable housing options.
  2. Access to green spaces: There are several parks and open spaces in SE28, including Crossness Nature Reserve, Southmere Lake, and Lesnes Abbey Woods.
  3. Good transport links: The area is well-connected to other parts of London via the DLR, National Rail, and buses. There are also plans to extend the London Overground to nearby Barking Riverside.
  4. Diverse community: SE28 is home to a diverse mix of people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, which can provide opportunities for learning and cultural exchange.
  5. Proximity to amenities: There are several supermarkets, restaurants, and shops in the area, making it easy to access the essentials without having to travel far.
  6. Waterfront views: SE28 is situated along the River Thames, providing picturesque waterfront views.
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