31, Lillian Road, London, SW13 9JG

Terraced House

Great reasons to live in SW13

  1. Beautiful surroundings: Barnes is known for its charming village-like atmosphere, picturesque views of the River Thames, and expansive green spaces such as Barnes Common and Richmond Park.
  2. Cultural events: The area hosts an array of cultural events such as the Barnes Children's Literature Festival, Barnes Music Festival, and the annual Barnes Fair.
  3. Excellent transport links: SW13 is well-connected to the rest of London with several bus routes and Barnes Bridge and Barnes stations providing access to the mainline rail network.
  4. Shopping and dining: Barnes has a range of independent shops, boutiques, and cafes along its high street, as well as a weekly farmers' market.
  5. Education: SW13 has several highly-rated schools, including St Paul's School, the Harrodian School, and The Swedish School in London.
  6. Health and wellbeing: The area has a good range of health and fitness facilities, such as the Olympic Cinema, the Barnes Sports Club, and the YMCA White House.
  7. Community spirit: Barnes has a strong community spirit, with many local events and organizations that foster a sense of belonging and connection among residents.
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