39, Hensford Gardens, London, SE26 6JG


Great reasons to live in SE26

  1. Community: SE26 has a strong sense of community, with many local events and activities, including farmers' markets, street fairs, and community centers. This can make it easy to meet new people and form connections with your neighbors.
  2. Transport: SE26 has good transport links, with regular trains to London Bridge and Victoria, as well as buses to other parts of South London.
  3. Parks: There are several parks and green spaces in SE26, including Crystal Palace Park, which is home to the famous Crystal Palace Dinosaurs, and Sydenham Wells Park, which has a beautiful ornamental garden and a playground for children.
  4. Restaurants and cafes: SE26 has a wide range of restaurants and cafes, catering to all tastes and budgets. From independent coffee shops to high-end restaurants, there is something for everyone.
  5. Culture: SE26 has a rich cultural scene, with several art galleries, museums, and theatres. The Horniman Museum and Gardens is a popular local attraction, with exhibits on natural history, anthropology, and musical instruments.
  6. Architecture: SE26 has a mix of Victorian and Edwardian architecture, with many well-preserved period buildings and attractive streetscapes.
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