50, Chelsea Crescent, London, SW10 0XB


Great reasons to live in SW10

  1. Proximity to great amenities: SW10 is home to some of London's most iconic museums, including the Natural History Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and the Science Museum. It's also close to Chelsea Football Club's Stamford Bridge stadium, and the trendy King's Road is just a short walk away.
  2. Beautiful green spaces: SW10 has many beautiful parks and gardens, including Brompton Cemetery, which is a popular spot for joggers and dog walkers. There's also the Chelsea Physic Garden, a walled garden that's home to over 5,000 different plants.
  3. Excellent transportation links: SW10 is well-connected to the rest of London, with several tube stations within walking distance, including Earl's Court, West Brompton, and Fulham Broadway. There are also many bus routes that run through the area, making it easy to get around.
  4. Vibrant food scene: SW10 is home to many excellent restaurants and cafes, serving a range of cuisines from around the world. From fine dining at The Ledbury to casual brunch at Bluebird Cafe, there's something for everyone.
  5. Diverse community: SW10 is a diverse neighborhood with a mix of people from different backgrounds and cultures. This creates a vibrant and welcoming community where people feel at home.
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