58a, Alder Road, London, SW14 8ER

Terraced House

Great reasons to live in SW14

  1. Great location: SW14 is located in a picturesque part of London, with easy access to the River Thames, Richmond Park, and other green spaces.
  2. Excellent schools: The area is home to some of the best schools in London, including East Sheen Primary School, Barnes Primary School, and St Paul's School.
  3. Vibrant community: The area has a strong sense of community and hosts many local events, including the Barnes Fair and the Mortlake Summer Fair.
  4. Great amenities: SW14 has a good selection of shops, cafes, and restaurants, including the Michelin-starred restaurant Chez Bruce in Wandsworth.
  5. Transport links: The area has good transport links, with Mortlake and Barnes Bridge stations providing regular services to London Waterloo, and frequent bus services to other parts of London.
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