5a, Granville Place, High Road, London, N12 0AU


Great reasons to live in N12

  1. Excellent location: N12 is well-located for easy access to other parts of London, with great transport links by tube, bus and car.
  2. Vibrant community: N12 is a diverse and friendly neighbourhood, with a mix of families, young professionals and retirees, all living together harmoniously.
  3. Great shopping and dining: N12 has plenty of great shopping options, including independent retailers and national chains, as well as a range of excellent restaurants, cafes and bars.
  4. Beautiful green spaces: N12 has several lovely parks, including Friary Park and Victoria Park, which are great for a leisurely stroll or a picnic on a sunny day.
  5. Good schools: N12 has a good selection of schools, with a mix of state and independent options available for families.
  6. Cultural events: N12 has a thriving arts scene, with regular events and festivals taking place throughout the year, including music, dance and theatre performances.
  7. Proximity to amenities: N12 has a good range of local amenities, including supermarkets, libraries, health centres and leisure facilities, meaning that everything you need is within easy reach.
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