78, Ladas Road, London, SE27 0UW

Terraced House

Great reasons to live in SE27

  1. Access to green spaces: SE27 has several parks and green spaces, including Norwood Park, Brockwell Park, and Dulwich Park. These parks offer plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities such as jogging, cycling, and picnicking.
  2. Transport links: SE27 is well-connected to the rest of London via various transport links, including trains and buses. The area has three train stations - West Norwood, Tulse Hill, and Norwood Junction - that offer frequent services to central London and other parts of the city.
  3. Vibrant community: SE27 is known for its diverse and friendly community. The area has a thriving arts and cultural scene, with several galleries, theaters, and music venues. There are also numerous community events and festivals throughout the year, such as the West Norwood Feast and the Norwood and Brixton Food Festival.
  4. Shopping and dining options: SE27 has a range of independent shops, boutiques, and restaurants, offering a diverse range of cuisines and products. The area is also home to several supermarkets and retail chains, making it easy to find everything you need.
  5. Good schools: SE27 has several excellent schools, including the Ofsted-rated Outstanding school Julian's Primary School, which makes the area an attractive option for families with children.
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