82, Erpingham Road, London, SW15 1BG

Detached House

Great reasons to live in SW15

  1. Proximity to the River Thames: SW15 is located on the south bank of the River Thames, and residents can enjoy easy access to the river for walks, cycling, or even taking a boat ride.
  2. Great transport links: SW15 has excellent transport links, with numerous bus routes and two underground stations - East Putney and Putney Bridge - providing easy access to central London.
  3. Variety of restaurants and cafes: SW15 has a vibrant food scene, with a wide range of restaurants and cafes offering diverse cuisine from around the world.
  4. Beautiful green spaces: SW15 is home to several parks, including Putney Heath, Wimbledon Common, and Richmond Park, providing plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities.
  5. Vibrant cultural scene: SW15 is home to a diverse community and a range of cultural events and festivals, such as the Putney Arts Theatre and the Putney Music Festival.
  6. Excellent schools: SW15 has a range of excellent primary and secondary schools, including the outstanding-rated Putney High School and the independent Roehampton University.
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