88, Skeffington Road, London, E6 2NB

Terraced House

Great reasons to live in E6

  1. Excellent transport links: E6 is well-connected to public transportation, with several tube, train, and bus stations in the area, making it easy to get around and explore the rest of London.
  2. Affordable housing: E6 offers more affordable housing options compared to other parts of London, making it an attractive location for first-time buyers and renters.
  3. Diverse community: E6 is a diverse and multicultural neighborhood, with people from all over the world living and working in the area, creating a vibrant and lively community.
  4. Proximity to nature: E6 is close to several green spaces, including Beckton District Park and Thames Barrier Park, which offer plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation and relaxation.
  5. Good schools: E6 has several good schools, including several primary and secondary schools, as well as Newham College, which offers a range of vocational and academic courses.
  6. Easy access to London City Airport: E6 is located just a few miles from London City Airport, making it convenient for frequent travelers.
  7. Cultural events: E6 is home to several cultural events throughout the year, including the annual Newham Carnival, which celebrates the area's diverse cultures and traditions.
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