Flat 2, 19, Elvaston Place, London, SW7 5QF


Great reasons to live in SW7

  1. Culture and history: South Kensington is home to some of London's most iconic museums, including the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum, and the Victoria and Albert Museum. Living in SW7 means you'll have easy access to these cultural institutions, as well as the historic Royal Albert Hall.
  2. Beautiful architecture: The architecture in South Kensington is stunning, with many elegant Victorian townhouses and grand mansions lining the streets. The area also features stunning green spaces, including Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens.
  3. Shopping and dining: SW7 is home to some of London's best shopping and dining experiences, with the famous Harrods department store just a short walk away. There are also plenty of trendy cafes, restaurants, and bars in the area, making it a great place to socialize and meet new people.
  4. Excellent transport links: South Kensington is well-connected to the rest of London, with the Piccadilly, District, and Circle tube lines all serving the area. There are also several bus routes and easy access to major roads, making it easy to get around the city.
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