Flat 26, 4, Crane Court, London, EC4A 2EJ


Great reasons to live in EC4

  1. Excellent location: EC4 is located in the heart of the City of London, making it easy to get around and explore the rest of the city. It's also well-connected to public transportation, with several tube and train stations in the area.
  2. Vibrant business community: EC4 is the financial hub of London, with many businesses and corporations located in the area. This creates a dynamic and exciting atmosphere, with plenty of opportunities for networking and career advancement.
  3. Historical landmarks: EC4 is home to several historical landmarks, including St. Paul's Cathedral and the iconic Monument to the Great Fire of London, which offer a glimpse into London's rich history.
  4. Great shopping and dining: EC4 has plenty of great shopping and dining options, including One New Change, a modern shopping center with stunning views of St. Paul's Cathedral, and a variety of restaurants and cafes catering to different tastes and budgets.
  5. Proximity to the Thames: EC4 is located along the banks of the River Thames, offering stunning views of the river and easy access to several riverside parks and walking trails.
  6. Cultural events: EC4 is home to several cultural events throughout the year, including the City of London Festival, which features music, theatre, and art exhibitions.
  7. Proximity to green spaces: Despite being in the heart of the city, EC4 is close to several green spaces, including Postman's Park and the beautiful rooftop garden at One New Change, which offer plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation and relaxation.
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